Arlington National Cemetery: Fellow Khobar Tower Veterans

It was an honor I’ll never forget, and something I am very proud of. I am very patriotic coming from 3 generations of U.S. veterans.

Arlington National Cemetery: Fellow Khobar Tower Veterans
Khobar Towers

It was an honor I’ll never forget, and something I am very proud of. I am very patriotic coming from 3 generations of U.S. veterans. Date was June 27th, Arlington at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I was asked by fellow U.S. Air Force Security Police from the4404th Security Forces squadron to attend, represent, and be a part of the reef laying on the 26th anniversary of the Khobar Towers attack.

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Being asked by fellow Air Force Security Forces members to attend the Arlington National Cemetery on June 27th, 2022, in remembrance of the Khobar Towers bombing was indeed an honor. This commemoration marked a solemn occasion to remember the 19 Airmen lost and the more than 400 U.S. and international military members and civilians injured in the tragic event of June 25, 1996. Participating was an honor. It was my way of showing respect and honoring those directly affected by the horrific attack. It also underscored the enduring bond and resilience among service members past and present.

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