Unity In Nature

Unity In Health

Unity In Fitness

Unity For Veterans

Unity For All

Building Stronger Communities Together

Unity in Bridges

Unity in Bridges is a vibrant 501(c)(3) non-profit, deeply embedded in our communities, committed to weaving a tapestry of unity, support, and sustainable growth. Our mission fuels a series of exciting events throughout the year, each designed to bring us closer, nurture our environment, and empower every individual. By donating, you become a part of this transformative journey, making a real difference right where it matters most. Join us in creating a brighter, more united future for everyone.

Every penny you contribute stays local, creating waves of positive change right at home. Join Unity in Bridges in crafting a brighter, unified tomorrow!


The profound significance of uniting with one's true self for both personal growth and the greater good.


Connecting the impoverished with vital resources and opportunities that support their personal growth journey.


Connecting Communities, Inspiring Wellness

Driven by the vision of a unified and healthy society, Unity in Bridges' annual events are beacons of inclusivity, wellness, and joy, empowering individuals across every community to thrive.


At Unity in Bridges, our vision is to create a supportive community where individuals thrive through holistic health, education, and connection. We believe in empowering lives by bridging gaps in wellness, fostering resilience, and promoting sustainability for a brighter future.


Working with the local community

Becoming the bridge between all backgrounds, income between communities and community gardens. To expose them to healthy events, provides healthier choice food, and educates everyone on how to growth healthy produce.


Uniting Communities for Health and Sustainability

Becoming the bridge between all backgrounds, income between communities and community gardens. To expose them to healthy events, provides healthier choice food, and educates everyone on how to growth healthy produce.

Stride and Honor
Stride and Honor

1st Annual Laveen & South Mountain Memorial Day 5K/10K - Run to Remember

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Fundraiser & Golf Tournament
Fundraiser & Golf Tournament

Be ready to have fun and raise money for scholarships for the students of South Mountain & Laveen.

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Weekly Farmer Markets
Weekly Farmer Markets

Support your self-care needs with music, food, community, local organic products & nutrition.

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“There is beauty and power in unity. We must be united in heart and mind. One world, one people.”

Lailah Gifty Akita

“We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond."

Gwendolyn Brooks

“Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

Mattie Stepanek